Wrong Post | Incorrect Name or Address (2024)

What to do when someone else’s post is delivered to your home

While every effort is made to ensure the right post gets to the right person, now and then incorrect details can lead to mistakes. Here’s what to do.

Incorrect addressee or address details can sometimes lead to post going to the wrong address or the wrong person.

If you find that you’ve received post that’s not for you or you’ve received post incorrectly mailed to your address, here’s what you can do to get things back on track.

Wrongly delivered post?

Wrong address and a different name?

  • If their address is nearby, just pop it in their letterbox
  • Otherwise, simply pop it back in the post

The right address, but someone else's name?

  • Just cross out your address, write 'Not known at this address' on the envelope and repost it
  • If there's a return address, circle that too

Send parcels from a local Post Office

Let’s find the nearest one to you.

"+ "

"+ "

"+ (item.branchAttribute === 'PSPO' ? '

ParcelShop by Post Office

' :'')+ "

" + item.name + "

"+ "

"+ "

"+ "

" + item.address.substr(0, item.address.lastIndexOf(",")) + "

"+ "

" + item.postCode + "

"+ ""+ renderBranchOpeningTimings(item)+ "

"+ "Map"+ "|"+ "Branch details"+ "

"+ "

"+ "

"+ "

"+ "

");}});if(data.responseBody.branchList.length > 5) {$('.otherBranchVisible').show();data.responseBody.branchList.forEach(function(item, index){if(index >= 5) {$('#OtherBranchResultsList').append("

"+ "

" + (index + 1) + "

"+ "

"+ "

"+ (item.branchAttribute === 'PSPO' ? '

ParcelShop by Post Office

' :'')+ "

" + item.name + "

"+ "

"+ "

"+ "

" + item.address.substr(0, item.address.lastIndexOf(",")) + "

"+ "

" + item.postCode + "

"+ ""+ renderBranchOpeningTimings(item)+ "

"+ "Map"+ "|"+ "Branch details"+ "

"+ "

"+ "

"+ "

"+ "

");}});}ko.applyBindings(new searchResultsViewModel(searchResultData),document.getElementById("branchFinder")); }function makeMoreBranchesVisible() { if(document.getElementById("OtherBranchResultsList").style.display=="none") { document.getElementById("OtherBranchResultsList").style.display="block"; document.getElementById("showMoreBranchesLink").innerHTML="Hide other branches"; }else { document.getElementById("OtherBranchResultsList").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("showMoreBranchesLink").innerHTML="Show more branches"; } }var now = new Date();var days = ['Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat'];var months = ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"];var currentDay = days[now.getDay()];var currentDaySpecial = days[now.getDay()] + ", " + months[now.getMonth()] + " " + now.getDate() + ", " + now.getFullYear(); var offset = now.getTimezoneOffset();var nowInUK;if(offset != 0) {nowInUK = now.getTime() + (offset * 60000);}var currentTimeHH = new Date(nowInUK).getHours();var currentTimeMM = new Date(nowInUK).getMinutes(); function renderBranchOpeningTimings(item) {var openingStatus = "";var openingTimeHH = "";var openingTimeMM = "";var closingTimeHH = "";var closingTimeMM = "";var flag = "false";var keySpecial = "";var hourValue;var specialDates = item.sphopeningTiming;if(!$.isEmptyObject(specialDates)) {$.each(specialDates, function(key, value) {if(currentDaySpecial == key) {flag = "true";keySpecial = key;return;}});}if(!$.isEmptyObject(specialDates) && flag == "true") {hourValue = specialDates[keySpecial];} else {var normalHours = item.openingTiming;$.each(normalHours, function(key, value) {if(currentDay == key) {hourValue = normalHours[key];return;}});}var totalTime = getTotalTime(hourValue);if(totalTime) {openingTimeHH = totalTime.substring(0,2);openingTimeMM = totalTime.substring(3,5);closingTimeHH = totalTime.substring(6,8);closingTimeMM = totalTime.substring(9,11);if(openingTimeHH > currentTimeHH || closingTimeHH < currentTimeHH) {openingStatus = "

Closed now

"} else if (openingTimeHH == currentTimeHH) {if(openingTimeMM > currentTimeMM) {openingStatus = "

Closed now

"} else {openingStatus = "

Open today

" + totalTime + "

"}} else if(closingTimeHH == currentTimeHH){if(closingTimeMM < currentTimeMM) {openingStatus = "

Closed now

"} else {openingStatus = "

Open today

" + totalTime + "

"}} else {openingStatus = "

Open today

" + totalTime + "

"}} else {openingStatus = "

Closed now

";}return openingStatus;}function time(time){if(!time){ return 24;}var hours = parseFloat(time.split(":")[0]);var mins = parseFloat(time.split(":")[1]);return hours + (mins/60);}function openingHour(hours) {return time(hours.split("-")[0]);}function closingHour(hours) {return time(hours.split("-")[1]);}function text(time) {var hour = Math.round(Math.floor(time));var mins = Math.round(Math.floor((time % 1) * 60));if(hour < 10) {hour = "0" + hour; }if(mins < 10) {mins = "0" + mins;}return "" + hour + ":" + mins;}function getTotalTime(hourValue) {if(hourValue.extended){if(hourValue.regular) {var opening = Math.min(openingHour(hourValue.extended), openingHour(hourValue.regular));var closing = Math.max(closingHour(hourValue.extended), closingHour(hourValue.regular));return text(opening) + "-" + text(closing);} else {return hourValue.extended;}}return hourValue.regular} function setHeight() { }; function getTooltip(){ $( ".OpeingTimesTooltip" ).tooltip( {content: function () { return generateOpeningTimesToolTip($(this))}, position: { my: "right center", at: "left-5 center" } });} function generateOpeningTimesToolTip(selector) { var htmlString = ""; var mainHours = selector.attr('data-main'); var extendedHours = selector.attr('data-extended'); var lunchHours = selector.attr('data-lunch'); if (!_.isUndefined(mainHours) && mainHours != "" && mainHours != "null") htmlString += ""; if (!_.isUndefined(extendedHours) && extendedHours != "" && extendedHours != "null") htmlString += ""; if (!_.isUndefined(lunchHours) && lunchHours != "" && lunchHours != "null") htmlString += ""; return htmlString + "
Main Hours:" + mainHours + "
Extended Hours:" + extendedHours + "
Lunch:" + lunchHours + "
"; };function getBranchDetails(jsonObj){globalJson = jsonObj;}function getOpeningTimeForAllDays(i){var _openingTimeString = "";var days = ['Mon','Tue','Wed','Thu','Fri','Sat','Sun'];$.each(days, function(e){var e1 = days[e];$.each(i.openingTiming, function(key,value){if(key == e1 ){if(value.regular){hasRegular = true;}if(value.extended){hasExtended = true;}if(value.lunchTime){hasLunch = true;}_openingTimeString = _openingTimeString + getNormalDays(key,value,i);}})});return _openingTimeString;}function getNormalDays(key,_normalDay,i){var _stringDay = "";var _tempStr = "";if(_normalDay.regular || _normalDay.extended){var totalLeft = (openingHour(getTotalTime(_normalDay)) - parseFloat(i.earliestOpeningHour)) / (parseFloat(i.latestClosingHour) - parseFloat(i.earliestOpeningHour)) * 100 ;var totalWidth = (closingHour(getTotalTime(_normalDay)) - openingHour(getTotalTime(_normalDay))) / (parseFloat(i.latestClosingHour) - parseFloat(i.earliestOpeningHour)) * 100 ;var regularHoursLeft = (openingHour(_normalDay.regular) - openingHour(getTotalTime(_normalDay))) / (closingHour(getTotalTime(_normalDay)) - openingHour(getTotalTime(_normalDay))) * 100 ;var regularHoursWidth = (closingHour(_normalDay.regular) - openingHour(_normalDay.regular)) / (closingHour(getTotalTime(_normalDay)) - openingHour(getTotalTime(_normalDay))) * 100 ;if(_normalDay.lunchTime){var lunchLeft = (openingHour(_normalDay.lunchTime) - openingHour(getTotalTime(_normalDay))) / (closingHour(getTotalTime(_normalDay)) - openingHour(getTotalTime(_normalDay))) * 100 ;var lunchWidth = (closingHour(_normalDay.lunchTime) - openingHour(_normalDay.lunchTime)) / (closingHour(getTotalTime(_normalDay)) - openingHour(getTotalTime(_normalDay))) * 100 ;}else{var lunchLeft = 0;var lunchWidth = 0;}_tempStr = '';if(_normalDay.regular){_tempStr = _tempStr + ''}if(lunchWidth != 0){_tempStr = _tempStr + ''}_tempStr = _tempStr + ''+ ''+ '';_stringDay = ''+ ''+key+''+ ''+getTotalTime(_normalDay)+''+ ''+ '

'+ _tempStr+ '

'+ ''+ '';}else if(_normalDay.regular == null || _normalDay.extended == null){_stringDay = ''+ ''+key+''+ 'Closed'+ ''+ '

'+ _tempStr+ '

'+ ''+ '';}return _stringDay;}function getDefaultTextForNormal(hasRegular, hasExtended, hasLunch){var _tempExtraText = "";if(hasRegular){_tempExtraText = _tempExtraText + '

'+ '

'+ '

'+ '

Main Hours

'+ '

'+ '

'; }if(hasExtended){_tempExtraText = _tempExtraText + '

'+ '

'+ '

'+ '

Extended Hours

'+ '

'+ '

';}if(hasLunch){_tempExtraText = _tempExtraText + '

'+ '

'+ '

'+ '

Lunch Hours

'+ '

'+ '

';}return _tempExtraText;}function getOpeningTimeForSeasonalDays(item){var _tempSeasonalStr = ""; var specialDates = item.sphopeningTiming; if(!$.isEmptyObject(specialDates)) {$.each(specialDates, function(key, value) {if(value.regular){hasSeasonal = true;}_tempSeasonalStr = _tempSeasonalStr + getSeasonalDays(key, value, item);});}return _tempSeasonalStr;}function getSeasonalDays(key, _SeasonalDay, i){var _stringDay = "";var _tempStr = "";if(_SeasonalDay.regular){var totalLeft = (openingHour(getTotalTime(_SeasonalDay)) - parseFloat(i.sphearliestOpeningHour)) / (parseFloat(i.sphlatestClosingTime) - parseFloat(i.sphearliestOpeningHour)) * 100 ;var totalWidth = (closingHour(getTotalTime(_SeasonalDay)) - openingHour(getTotalTime(_SeasonalDay))) / (parseFloat(i.sphlatestClosingTime) - parseFloat(i.sphearliestOpeningHour)) * 100 ;if(_SeasonalDay.lunchTime){var lunchLeft = (openingHour(_SeasonalDay.lunchTime) - openingHour(getTotalTime(_SeasonalDay))) / (closingHour(getTotalTime(_SeasonalDay)) - openingHour(getTotalTime(_SeasonalDay))) * 100 ;var lunchWidth = (closingHour(_SeasonalDay.lunchTime) - openingHour(_SeasonalDay.lunchTime)) / (closingHour(getTotalTime(_SeasonalDay)) - openingHour(getTotalTime(_SeasonalDay))) * 100 ;}else{var lunchLeft = 0;var lunchWidth = 0;}_tempStr = ''+ ''if(lunchWidth != 0){_tempStr = _tempStr + ''}_tempStr = _tempStr + ''+ ''+ '';_stringDay = ''+ ''+key+''+ ''+getTotalTime(_SeasonalDay)+''+ ''+ '

'+ _tempStr+ '

'+ ''+ '';}return _stringDay;}function getDefaultTextForSeasonal(hasSeasonal){var _tempExtraText = "";if(hasSeasonal){_tempExtraText = _tempExtraText + '

'+ '

'+ '

'+ '

Seasonal Hours

'+ '

'+ '

'; }return _tempExtraText;}function getNormalProductService(i){var _tempNormalProductList = "";$.each(i.products, function(key,value){_tempNormalProductList = _tempNormalProductList + '


';value.forEach(function(item, index){_tempNormalProductList = _tempNormalProductList + '

'+ '


';if(hasRegular && $.inArray('1', item.openingTimes) != -1){_tempNormalProductList = _tempNormalProductList + '

'}if(hasExtended && $.inArray('4', item.openingTimes) != -1){_tempNormalProductList = _tempNormalProductList + '

'}_tempNormalProductList = _tempNormalProductList + '

'});});return _tempNormalProductList;}function getSeasonalProductService(i){var _tempSeasonalProductList = "";$.each(i.products, function(key,value){_tempSeasonalProductList = _tempSeasonalProductList + '


';value.forEach(function(item, index){_tempSeasonalProductList = _tempSeasonalProductList + '

'+ '


';if(hasSeasonal && $.inArray('6', item.openingTimes) != -1){_tempSeasonalProductList = _tempSeasonalProductList + '

'}_tempSeasonalProductList = _tempSeasonalProductList + '

'});});return _tempSeasonalProductList;}function backToSearchResults(){$(".branchFinder-result").show();$(".branch-details").hide();}function retrieveNearByBranches(globalJson,branch,nearByBranches){var finalDistance = "";var _tempNearbyBranchesString = "";for(var i=0;i<5;i++){ var nearById = nearByBranches.split(',')[i]; globalJson.responseBody.branchList.forEach(function(i, index){ var _tempDistance = "";if(i.id == nearById){_tempDistance = i.distanceFromSearchLoc;if(parseFloat(_tempDistance) < 0.1){var finalDistance = parseInt((parseFloat(_tempDistance) * 5280)) + ' ft';}else {var finalDistance = (parseFloat(_tempDistance).toFixed(1)) + ' mi';}if(nearById != branch.id){ _tempNearbyBranchesString = _tempNearbyBranchesString + '

' + ''+finalDistance+':' + ""+i.name+","+i.postCode+"" + '

'; }}});}return _tempNearbyBranchesString;}function addBranchDetails(branchList, id, name, address, postcode, lat, lng) { branchList.push({ Id: id, Name: name, Location: { Latitude: lat, Longitude: lng }, Address: address, Postcode: postcode }); }function renderDetailsPageForBranch(branchId, nearByBranches) {$(".branchFinder-result").hide();$(".branch-details").show();var mainBranchListDetails = new Array();var _displayNormal = "block";var _displaySeasonal = "none";var _tempBranch = "";var isSeasonal = false;var isTodaySeasonalDate = false;_tempBranch = parseInt(branchId);var _tempDetailList = "";hasRegular = false; hasExtended = false; hasLunch = false; hasSeasonal = false;globalJson.responseBody.branchList.forEach(function(i, index){if(i.id == _tempBranch){var specialDates = i.sphopeningTiming;if(!$.isEmptyObject(specialDates)) {isSeasonal = true;$.each(specialDates, function(key, value) {if(currentDaySpecial == key) {isTodaySeasonalDate = true;_displayNormal = "none";_displaySeasonal = "block";}});}var branchDetailsMsg = '';if($('#branch-details-msg').length){branchDetailsMsg = $('#branch-details-msg').html();}_tempDetailList = _tempDetailList + '

'+ (i.branchAttribute === 'PSPO' ? '

ParcelShop by Post Office

' :'')+ '


'+ '

'+ i.address +'

'+ '

'+ i.postCode +'

'+ '

'+ '

'+ '

'+ '

'+ '

Opening times

'+ '

'+ '

'+ 'Normal'+ 'Seasonal'+ '

'+ '

'+ '

'+ '

'+ '

'+ '

'+ '

'+ ''+ ''+ ''+ ''+ ''+ ''+ getOpeningTimeForAllDays(i)+ ''+ '
'+ '

'+ '

'+ ''+ ''+ ''+ ''+ ''+ ''+ '



'+ '

'+ '

'+ '

'+ '

'+ branchDetailsMsg+ '

'+ '

'+getDefaultTextForNormal(hasRegular, hasExtended, hasLunch)+ '

'+ '

'+ '

'+ '

'+ '

'+ '

'+ ''+ ''+ ''+ ''+ ''+ ''+ getOpeningTimeForSeasonalDays(i)+ ''+ '
'+ '

'+ '

'+ ''+ ''+ ''+ ''+ ''+ ''+ '



'+ '

'+ '

'+ '

'+ '

' + branchDetailsMsg + '

' + '

' + getDefaultTextForSeasonal(hasSeasonal) + '

' + '

'+ '

'+ '

'+ '

'+ '

'+ '

'+ '

Key Available Services


'+ 'Please note that some of the services listed operate within reduced hours. Please check with your local branch next time you visit.'+'

' + '

'+ getNormalProductService(i)+ '

'+ '

'+ getSeasonalProductService(i)+ '

'+ '

'+ '

'+ '

'+ '

Other nearby branches

'+ '

'+ '


'+ '

'+ '

'+ '

';addBranchDetails(mainBranchListDetails, i.id, i.name, i.address, i.postCode, i.location.latitude, i.location.longitude);}});$('#branch-details').empty();$('#branch-details').append(_tempDetailList);if(!isSeasonal){$('#SeasonalOpeningTimes').empty();$('#SeasonalOpeningTimes').append('

There are currently no seasonal opening times to be displayed for this branch.

');}var options = { mapCanvas: $("#BranchMap")[0], panoramaCanvas: $("#BranchMap")[0], mainBranchList: mainBranchListDetails, searchString: globalJson.responseBody.searchString, decodedSearchString: globalJson.responseBody.decodedSearchString, selectedDate: globalJson.responseBody.selectedDate, selectedDay: globalJson.responseBody.selectedDay, selectedTime: globalJson.responseBody.selectedTime, selectedLocation: globalJson.responseBody.selectedCoordinates, selectedProductIdsString: '', isSeasonalDate: isTodaySeasonalDate, contextPath: "" }; ko.cleanNode(document.getElementById("branch-finder-details")); getTooltip(); ko.applyBindings(new branchDetailsViewModel(options), document.getElementById("branch-finder-details"));currentPos = document.documentElement.scrollTop;}function resetScroll() { setTimeout(function(){window.scrollTo(0, currentPos);}, 10); } function resetScrollBranchFinder() { setTimeout(function(){window.scrollTo(0, $("#bf-full-width").offset().top);}, 10); } var currentPos;
Wrong Post | Incorrect Name or Address (2024)


Wrong Post | Incorrect Name or Address? ›

You probably don't need to take this step if receiving the wrong mail is just an occasional or one-off occurrence, but if it's happening often (and especially if the mail is continually addressed to the same person), then it's worth notifying your local post office directly.

What to do with mail with correct address but wrong name? ›

If the address is correct but the name isn't
  1. Mark it as 'return to sender - unknown at this address'
  2. Place the item in a red street posting box or hand it to staff at any Post Office for return.
Dec 7, 2022

Will post office deliver mail with wrong name? ›

The United States Postal Service® will deliver the mail as addressed, but it does not have to be accepted. Without a specific reason to the contrary, mail sent to an address will be delivered. Mail is delivered to residential or business addresses even if the name on the mailpiece is different than the known residents.

Can the post office fix an incorrect address? ›

A misspelled street or city name can easily be fixed and any missing information can be filled in. However, standardization cannot help with fixing straight out incorrect addresses.

Can you open mail that has your address but different name? ›

It would be a crime if you open, damage, or hide mail that is not addressed to you. Sometimes you may receive mail with your address but someone else's name on it. It still implies the mail belongs to another person and opening their mail is illegal.

Can I put misdelivered mail back in the mailbox? ›

If the mailpiece is delivered to the wrong location: Don't erase or mark over the information, or write any type of endorsem*nt on the mailpiece. Place the item back in the mailbox or hand the item back to your mailperson.

Can I open mail sent to my address but not addressed to me? ›

It is a federal crime to open or destroy mail that is not intended for you. The law provides that you can not "destroy, hide, open, or embezzle" mail that is not addressed to you. If you intentionally open or destroy someone else's mail, you are committing obstruction of correspondence, which is a felony.

Does the name matter on mail? ›

The full address and postal code on the return portion is more important. You do not have to put a name. For the recipient's address, remember to put the full name and address-including the unit number if there is one.

What happens to mail with incorrect postage? ›

Returned to the sender with the reason for nondelivery “Returned for Additional Postage” if First-Class Mail with a return address. The sender may affix the additional postage, cross out the reason for nondelivery, and remail the piece.

What to do with mail that is not yours? ›

A quick way to inform the mail carrier that the letter doesn't belong to you is to write "return to sender" on the back or front of the envelope. However, you should be careful not to tamper with the letter. Writing with ink is one way of tampering with the letter. To avoid tampering with the letter, use a sticky note.

How does USPS make sure address is correct? ›

Go to the USPS Zip Code Lookup tool at https://tools.usps.com/zip-code-lookup.htm?byaddress. Enter the street address, city, and state in the appropriate fields. Note: The more complete and accurate the address information, the more likely the USPS will be able to validate it. Click “Find.”

Can I keep a package that was delivered to me by mistake? ›

According to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), you aren't legally required to return merchandise that was sent to you by accident. You are within your legal rights to keep it as a gift, and merchants cannot demand that you pay for something you did not order.

What is the penalty for obstruction of correspondence? ›

Obstruction of mails generally. Whoever knowingly and willfully obstructs or retards the passage of the mail, or any carrier or conveyance carrying the mail, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than six months, or both.

Is it illegal to take your mail out of someone else's mailbox? ›

Federal Mail Theft Law

§ 1708. Under the law, it's illegal to: Take mail from any mail receptacle, including a residential mailbox or mail carrier bag; Take mail left for collection; or.

What if I received a package with my address but different name? ›

When you receive a mistaken delivery, call customer service for the delivery company and explain the situation. Give them the tracking number on the package, as well as the name and address on the package if it's different from yours. The company will come and pick up the product within a reasonable time frame.

Can you throw out mail that isn't yours? ›

Yes, it is illegal to throw away someone else's mail, a federal crime to be specific. If you've been finding your mail in the trash in your mailroom, there are a few steps you can take to stop your neighbors from messing with your mail. Your first step is to talk to your landlord or building manager.

What to do if you accidentally open someone else's mail? ›

If you have accidentally opened someone else's envelopes or packages and then plan to return them to the sender, then you have not committed a crime. You can either seal the mail/package again and write “Return to Sender”, or if it is some of your neighbours, you can hand it in yourself and explain the mistake.

How do you stop mail for someone who doesn't live here? ›

Don't Fill Out a Change of Address

Instead, the USPS (United States Postal Service) recommends that you simply write “no longer at this address” and return the envelope.

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Article information

Author: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Last Updated:

Views: 5908

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (76 voted)

Reviews: 91% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Birthday: 1995-01-14

Address: 55021 Usha Garden, North Larisa, DE 19209

Phone: +6812240846623

Job: Corporate Healthcare Strategist

Hobby: Singing, Listening to music, Rafting, LARPing, Gardening, Quilting, Rappelling

Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.