Keto Beef Stew - EASY KETO RECIPES (2024)

One of the heartiest keto supper recipes you can create is this Keto Beef Stew. And with equally excellent results, you can prepare this low-carb beef stew in a large pot on the stove or in a slow cooker. It truly is the best recipe for keto beef stew you can find. Let’s start now!

The preparation, which shouldn’t take more than 15 minutes, is the most difficult portion of creating this stew.

This beef stew is no different from other great beef stews in that it takes some time to prepare.

In fact, I believe that’s what makes stew so appealing—you can make it in a hurry by tossing everything into a pot or slow cooker, and dinner will be ready in a few hours!

Anyway, let’s go through each step in making this keto beef stew.


Start by bringing a generous spoonful of macadamia nut oil to a simmer in a big pot.

Why not a skillet?

When you look at all the ingredients, especially the liquid ones like broth, the beef stew will take up a lot of room in the cooking pot.

If necessary, you can boil everything in a pan until you need to add the broth, at which point you can transfer it all to a pot.

However, by cooking the food in the same dish, you’ll lose some of the liquid and flavourings that you get to enjoy.

Setting the heat to medium-high will prevent the oil from boiling away while still increasing the heating process, which is the key in this situation.

You can begin tossing in part of the stew meat after the oil is sufficiently hot (i.e., starting to pop).

All the meat should be browned in many batches, giving each batch five minutes to cook.

To avoid having to prepare the browned meat in the middle of cooking, it is a good idea to have a separate bowl ready to hold it all in advance.

Additionally, you must cook the meat in batches because crowded beef will burn rather than brown.


After preparing the meat, reserve it and then add the onions, garlic, and Italian seasoning to the saucepan.

Using a spoon, swirl the mixture as it cooks for approximately two minutes; the onions don’t need to be completely translucent because they’ll continue to cook once you add them to the mixture

the primary stew. In essence, all you’re doing is softening the onions before adding them.

Simmer for about two minutes, the onion and garlic mixture , then put brown meat back into the pot, then prepare to serve. This is the reason why you will eventually require a large pot.


The addition of the broth, vinegar, and bay leaves should increase the volume of the entire mixture significantly.

Add one teaspoon of salt, bring the stew to a boil .

When the stew starts to boil, immediately cover the pot with a suitable-sized lid and let it simmer for about two hours, adjusting the heat as necessary.

Avoid trying to increase the heat to hasten the cooking process because doing so would just ruin the stew’s flavors.

Plus, if you rush things, your beef stew will only come out harsh.


When referring to tender flesh, what is meant is that it should fall apart without any effort.

The onions are something else to look out for; if they’ve cooked correctly, they should also fall apart and virtually dissolve into the stew. The sauce will thicken as a result, which is an extra bonus.

Give it another 15 to 30 minutes and keep checking to see if the meat and onions are done cooking.

Add the vegetables and an additional teaspoon of salt, or more to taste, after everything is cooked.

Cook the stew for an additional THIRTY minutes on medium-high heat.

The stew ought to feel and look great at the end of the process.

Fortunately, if you need to make the beef a little more soft, you can easily alter this recipe to cook the food for a little longer.


While it can be challenging to find keto crockpot recipes, it’s not difficult at all to make this simple keto beef stew recipe!

However, since you won’t be adding the broth or other ingredients to the pan for cooking, you may use a pan more dependably. You should still prepare the onions, pork, garlic, and Italian seasonings as you normally would.

Once the beef has been cooked and the onions are prepped, put everything into a crockpot.

It takes roughly seven or eight hours to prepare this keto beef stew in a crockpot on low heat, which is the only significant difference between cooking in a pot and a crockpot.

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  • Macadamia nut oil, 1 heaping spoonful (18g).
  • Chuck or Round cuts of beef, trimmed, and cut into 1-inch cubes: 2 pounds (908 g)
  • Italic seasoning, two teaspoons
  • 2 minced garlic cloves
  • 1 medium onion, peeled and divided into 8 wedges (100g).
  • 30g of red wine vinegar with 2 teaspoons
  • 945 millilitres or 4 cups of beef or bone broth
  • fresh pepper, 1/4 teaspoon
  • 1 Bay leaf, 2
  • Peeled and sliced into 14-inch rounds, 1 medium carrot (60g)
  • 3 kohlrabi bulbs, peeled and chopped into cubes (340).
  • 1 chopped celery stalk (37g)
  • 125g or 1 cup of green beans
  • Salt, 2 teaspoons (8g)



  1. In a big pot, heat up the oil.
  2. The meat should be browned in batches for 5 minutes each.
  3. Avoid overcrowding the pot to prevent the meat from burning instead of browning.
  4. Add the onions, garlic, and Italian seasoning to the pan after removing the meat.
  5. For around 2 minutes, cook.
  6. Return the beef to the pot. Stir in the ONE teaspoon of salt vinegar, bay leaves, and broth,.
  7. Then, cover and cook for two hours after bringing to a boil.
  8. The beef will be soft at this time, and the onions will practically “dissolve,” thickening the sauce.
  9. Add the vegetables and 1 teaspoon of salt after two hours. Heat vegetables for THIRTY more minutes.


  1. Heat the oil in a large pan over medium-high heat.
  2. Add the cubed meat to the pan in stages once the oil is heated.
  3. Transfer the steak to the crockpot once it has been sufficiently browned, but don’t turn the pot on yet.
  4. Now add the onion, garlic, salt, and Italian seasoning to the same pan that you cooked the beef in.
  5. Add the mixture to your crockpot slow cooker after cooking for only 2 minutes—enough time for the onion to soften.
  6. Include the remaining components.
  7. 7-8 hours on low, or 3-4 hours on high, in a closed crockpot.
  8. Remove the beef stew from the heat when the meat is sufficiently soft.


Serving Size: 2 Cups
Calories: 200
Fat: 8
Carbohydrates: 5.5
Fiber: 2.5
Protein: 25

Keto Beef Stew - EASY KETO RECIPES (2024)


What is the secret to good beef stew? ›

Start with leaner meat.

For a rich, succulent stew, resist the instinct to buy the gorgeously marbled piece of meat you would want for a steak or roast. Look instead for cuts with cartilage, tendons and (at least a few) bones: Chuck, brisket, oxtails, cheeks and shin are ideal.

How many carbs are in keto beef stew? ›

How many carbs are in keto beef stew? This keto beef stew recipe has 5.8g of carbs and 1.6g of fiber per serving. That comes to 4.2g net carbs per bowl of stew.

What can I put in my beef stew to make it taste better? ›

Vegetables: small chopped carrots, celery, and onion or shallot practically melt into the sauce. Mushrooms: button mushrooms are a nod to the quartered mushrooms many classic beef stew recipes call for, but are thinly sliced instead of being left in bigger pieces. Garlic: minced garlic brings lots of cozy flavor.

What not to put in a stew? ›

But the liquid itself should not be thick in the same way that gravy is thick. So skip the roux, and don't bother dusting the meat with flour or cornstarch before browning, either, as some recipes will suggest. That will just interfere with getting a good sear on the meat, and gum up the stew with unneeded starch.

What can you add to stew to give it more flavor? ›

Use regular or hot paprika if you want a little warmth and Smoked Paprika if you're after more of a barbeque style smoky flavour. Chilli and paprika work well with tomato based dishes where as herbs work best with gravy based stews.

How can I thicken my stew without carbs? ›

Xanthan gum

Used for baking or thickening soups or sauces, xanthan gum has zero net carbs. Use in small amounts and be sure to sprinkle the thickener into soups or sauces a little at a time so that it doesn't clump. Also, too much xanthan gum can yield a gummy or slimy texture, so it's best to use minimal amounts.

Can you eat too much beef on keto? ›

Because meat is naturally carb-free, it's a popular choice for people following the keto diet. But not all types of meat are created equal. The AHA advises limiting the amount of fatty meats like beef, lamb, and pork in your diet, since they're high in saturated fat.

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Recommendations for red and processed meat

If you eat more than 90g of red or processed meat a day, it's recommended that you reduce your intake to 70g or less a day. You can do this by eating smaller portions of red and processed meat, eating these meats less often or swapping them for alternatives.

Why put tomato paste in beef stew? ›

Tomato paste is an umami flavor tone to help build on the beef flavor of your stew. If you don't have any, look for another umami flavor to build body. Fish sauce, Worcestershire sauce and miso are all good alternatives, used sparingly.

How do I thicken my stew? ›

Whisk a teaspoon of flour in a little cold water to make a slurry, then stir into the stew as it's cooking. Don't add dry flour directly to the stew as it may clump. After adding the slurry, bring the stew to boil. This will cook out the flour taste and allow the starch to swell.

What is a keto substitute for potatoes? ›

Cauliflower, the king of low-carb vegetables, leads the pack with its versatility and ability to mimic the texture and flavor of potatoes. Other alternatives include turnips, rutabaga, kohlrabi, celeriac, radishes, zucchini, spaghetti squash, parsley roots, daikon radish, pumpkin, jicama, and the lesser-known chayote.

What are the best potatoes for keto diet? ›

One of the most keto-friendly types of potatoes is the sweet potato, which is lower in carbohydrates than regular potatoes. A 100-gram serving of sweet potato contains about 17 grams of net carbs, which is still relatively high, but can be accommodated in a keto diet if consumed in moderation.

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Some options include xanthan gum, coconut flour, almond flour, psyllium husk powder, and cream cheese. These ingredients will add thickness without compromising the keto-friendly nature of your soup.

Why add vinegar to beef stew? ›

Tough stew meat will take a couple of hours to get tender, and the vinegar helps this happen as well as add special flavor. Then add the onions, carrots, celery, Brussels sprouts etc and cook until the vegetables are the way you like them.

What is the basic stew formula? ›

The Ideal Stew Ratio: Two Parts Meat, One Part Vegetable

Most meat-based stews call for tough, inexpensive cuts of meat, while vegetarian recipes include the same onions, carrots, and celery typical of a beef stew. Two parts meat to one part vegetables is the perfect ratio for a meaty stew.

What does red wine vinegar do to beef stew? ›

Vinegar & optional red wine - Use red wine vinegar and some red wine to give this stew a deep and rich sweet and savory flavor. The wine is optional and can be replaced with additional beef broth, but I do love the complexity it gives to this recipe.

Can I use red wine vinegar instead of red wine in beef stew? ›

The Best Substitute for Red Wine

Alcohol-free red wine. Beef broth. Chicken broth. Red wine vinegar (use ½ vinegar and ½ water for similar flavor results)

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